Illustration of the connected ideas within the scheme and their relationships

Illustration of the integrated energy system servicing the scheme and local area

Illustration of section along cable gondola with important site information

Factory floor, Staff area, Research & Innovation centre.

Public exhibition lobby, Mezzanine bridge, Factory offices, Cafeteria.

Section BB (above) Section AA (below)

Section CC (above) Section DD (below)

Flax fiber reinforced glulam roof structure & Prefabricated hempcrete wall system

View over skate park landscape & cafeteria terrace
Composite Revivals
Studio Future Works - Parkwood Springs, SHeffield
year 6
Project Brief
To develop a scheme that responds to ideas of Energy, Industry & Making. Explores the relationship between energy in the workplace and the role of architecture in this changing environment.
Project description
A proposal to revive & redevelop the area of Parkwood springs by designing a low energy composite system of city infrastructure, public engagement, industry & activity. Three distinct elements provide the necessary foundations to ensure a scheme that is self-sustaining, accessible & a service to the city.
These elements are:
A Cable Gondola Public Transport System, that connects the city through a Ski Factory to an Activities Hub in Parkwood springs
Focusing on the ski factory, this building act as the central point for access, engagement, industry & energy establishing an architectural language & place-making that is filtered throughout the rest of the scheme. Using ideas inspired by ski manufacture, the building is a prototype of & for experimental technology in low energy design.