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Composite Revivals

Studio Future Works - Parkwood Springs, SHeffield

year 6

Project Brief

To develop a scheme that responds to ideas of Energy, Industry & Making. Explores the relationship between energy in the workplace and the role of architecture in this changing environment.


Project description

A proposal to revive & redevelop the area of Parkwood springs by designing a low energy composite system of city infrastructure, public engagement, industry & activity. Three distinct elements provide the necessary foundations to ensure a scheme that is self-sustaining, accessible & a service to the city.


These elements are:

A Cable Gondola Public Transport System, that connects the city through a Ski Factory to an Activities Hub in Parkwood springs


Focusing on the ski factory, this building act as the central point for access, engagement, industry & energy establishing an architectural language & place-making that is filtered throughout the rest of the scheme. Using ideas inspired by ski manufacture, the building is a prototype of & for experimental technology in low energy design.

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