Aerial view of the scheme indicating the relationship between the proposed and existing buildings

1st floor plan of the scheme

Long section revealing the change in levels throughout the site

Section showing the relationship between the informal arts and music spaces

Section though the youth activity spaces and games room.

Proposed visual of the courtyard space

Proposed visual of the entrance to the youth club

Proposed visual of the informal art spaces and public gallery

Proposed visual of the games room and connecting bridges
youth > community centre
city as wilderness - greyfriars, gloucester
year 3
Project Brief
To develop a scheme that identifies and resolves an issue in Gloucester relating the city as a place of wilderness.
Project description
Working with a client, Young Gloucestershire, to enhance its existing program, expand its facilities and attract more young people to their organisation so that they can be integrated back into society.
Through, art, dance, music and sport the scheme developed a sense of belonging and opportunity. The different spaces aimed to Engage, Encourage, Enable, Enjoy and Empower – The five principles of the Young Gloucestershire organisation.
Following an investigation into the development of young adults, I identified 9 influential factors:
1. Feeling welcome | 2. Interaction with others | 3. Being confident | 4. Time to play | 5. Time to Work | 6. An opportunity to be chaotic and expressive 7. A need for order and structure | 8. To be comfortable | 9. A place to take refuge
An architecture that caters for the development of young people, must contain spaces and opportunities for all of these factors. I abstract design exercise helped me spatialize this idea.