Illustration of all relevant people involved in project and their relationships

Illustration of local community and their opinions of the playground

Diagram of our proposal to improve the playground

Illustration of future possible installations and play areas

Snapshot of interactive map indicating locations of free/reclaimed construction materials

The children of Pitsmoor Adventure Playground thanking us for our contribution

Planting activity on Roof Garden installation

Child playing on reclaimed tyre installation

Child playing with mud kitchen installation
pitsmoor adventure playground
live projects - pitsmoor, sheffield
year 6
Project Brief
A group project to develop a scheme that provides the Pitsmoor Adventure Playground Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) with tools they might need to continue their legacy.
Project description
The Live Project Team, offered a fresh perspective of ideas and observations that could improve the overall experience of the Adventure Playground. From the start, our goal was to work with the playground to produce a physical outcome of great value. An overall design approach and several built interventions were used to initiate the process of improvements, a process the playground has continued already.